Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day Two Blue

Today, I am very fortunate.
Not as fortunate as someone who can freely move her neck without pain, but fortunate.
Today, I am fortunate because I knew this was coming.
I have done just enough Bikram in my life to know that if you've been away for a while the first day back is "easy" (hahaha!), and the next day back is impossibly difficult.

Yesterday, I biked the half hour from my residence to the Kitsilano Bikram studio to attend my first class in the 90-day Yoga Experiment. I felt pumped. I was on my bike at three with the distinct and uplifting feeling that I was starting a new chapter in life. A chapter where I become a real adult who is responsible for herself, and responsible for working for, and acheiving her goals.
Of course, at 4:15, the class was packed. Having only practiced Bikram in Kamloops, I was used to a whole different set up, a whole different hot room, and a whole different vibe.
Regardless, I left everything I had at the door, as per the instructor's script, I killed myself for 90 minutes. If there was anything left that I hadn't abandoned before stepping into the room, I left that in the mat in final Savasana. I was wiped, but aglow. Exhausted but energized.
I had been to the gas station and the gas station gave me fuel, but not until after it kicked my ass.
I had my shower. Met a lady named Jackie (I hope that's right), and chatted a bit with Julie, who is also undertaking this Yoga Experiment. Then I got on my bike, bought the first book in Donna Eden's Energy medicine "series" (I already have the second called Energy Medicine for Women, and it's turning my world upside down), and rode the rest of the way home, chilled but satisfied.

This morning, the alarm went off at 4:50am.
I rose, pulled on the clothes I had set out for myself the previous night, shoved my little snack and my water bottle in my panier, and headed off into the night to experience the difference of a 6am class. (Back in Kamloops I really liked the 6am, it was usually a smaller class, and since everyone has just woken up, the energy in the room is dramatically different, calmer, and people seem to focus inward more than wanting to chat in the hot room)
I knew this would be hard.
I got in the hot room, did my 5-minute daily energy routine to wake up my energy flow, get everything moving, and get my intentions in the right place for what I was about to face.
I told myself I would be nice but right away, Pranayama had it out for me. The second I went to exhale and relax my head back, my back, neck, and shoulders (who I'll admit reached some new heights the previous day), shouted a very distinctive NO at me.
What do you mean, No!?, I said to my neck, Everyone else is doing it. Just relax and I won't have to force you!

So my neck went along with it, whether or not it wanted to, and somewhere between forcibly relaxing, and protecting. Now that I write it, it doesn't seem very supportive on my end. And I probably should have listened to my neck. I just thought once it got moving it would chill out.

As always, Awkward II is a special gem in my life, and Day Two Yoga Legs mixed with Day Two Cycling Again Legs are not the tree trunks I dream of at night.

I have tried to make myself not hate Standing Head to Knee by thanking my locking, unlocking, locking again, unlocking, locking knee for holding me up, for keeping me strong, and for carrying me where I need to go. When I get to L like Linda, that'll be a great day to celebrate!

Sat out the second half of Balancing Stick, and of Triangle (my nemesis), and why is it that having a choked throat is such a disgusting, and desperate feeling? I guess the description says it all.

Some new surprises were Camel (which I always call Mule), being especially unpleasant when normally it is actually pretty enjoyable, and Rabbit, starting to make sense (though not as much as yesterday when I feel like I pulled my shoulder blades off my back for the first time).

The class seemed to go by quickly enough, and that pleased me.
When I finished, I tried to eat a little of my snack but felt like neither my stomach nor I was ready for food. Then, dragging my heavy feet outside and unlocking my bike, I did myself the sweetness and gentleness of allowing myself to haul my bike onto the bus rack and take the bus home.

A quick good morning with my housemate on her way to Uni. 4 little arnica balls, and I was out like a light. My neck was not a fan.

I woke up maybe an hour ago, took another round of Arnica and am sitting now with an ice pack at the meeting place of my neck and shoulders. I have to work in two hours Banquet Serving. Let's see how that goes.

Stay tuned --tomorrow-- Bikram, then ushering a children's show!

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