Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I just got in from Danny's 9:30pm class,and had an amazing practice.
Who knows if it was the two days rest, the abundance of water and electrolytes over the weekend, or the hour and a half walk I took to get to yoga tonight -- I felt strong and grounded. Balanced. Bengal tiger.

In Prana Yama I decided to try and find a way to be nice to my neck and shoulder which is still bugging me, and keeping me up at night, and Danny took some extra time to explain the exercise to the two newbies right behind me, so I got started off with a great example and some wonderful focus. Was that the difference? I seemed connected to my breath all class -- like i could breathe through anything. Even both sets of balancing stick. Even both sets of Triangle!! I worked hard but never felt the kind of nauseated desperation that normally is the fight to get through class.

Danny suggested to the class who felt fat and tired to start coming 4,5,6,7 times a week. You can do it once a week but it's gonna take five lifetimes to get the body you want. Danny said up the dosage and it will happen for you. I smiled to myself.
Maybe next month I'll start doing double classes, I felt today like that could have been a possibility.

I wonder how I'll feel when I wake up, and how I can recreate the feeling of success in this class. I drank water, took my electrolytes, MSM, and arnica and made my little snacks for tomorrow (I was very tempted to eat the orange I cut up!). I have a chiropractic appointment, then 11am yoga, lunch with my homeopath friend (who I'm gonna ask about these arnica balls I've been taking), and then hit up a library I hope to do a bit of prep for a gig I have coming up in Kamloops at the end of the month.

I thought this might keep me up all night, or put me right to sleep. I feel totally energized and zen, while still feeling like the second I close my eyes I'll be in dream land.

Here goes.

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